Usually our worship service here at Christ Covenant is designed to enhance the main theme in the preaching passage by dovetailing or repeating the main idea in some way. This week, however, is all about a contrast.
Our main passage is the flood account. Cleary, judgement is a main theme. So, other than the opening meditation and the Call to Worship, our scripture readings point to God’s judgement. There’s the repetition.
Even so, each time we will respond to those passages with thanksgiving. The stark shift back and forth may feel a bit like whiplash. I’m hoping that this will perhaps highlight our position in Christ, for the difference between being under God’s judgement and under Christ’s protection is stark.
God’s judgement came like a flood in the days of Noah. And yet, in the days of Christ, it came crashing upon him rather than us. So, of course we sing songs of thanksgiving with grateful devotion to our Lord and King. Therefore, our pattern for worship this week is judgement, salvation, ‘thank you,’ judgement, salvation, ‘thank you.’